Today is Day 3 of my Shakeology cleanse. I really like Shakeology because it's full of good nutrients and it tastes really good. My favorite flavor is chocolate! The first day was definitely the easiest, the second day was more difficult but as long as you can distract yourself and stay busy, it's not so bad. Day 3 is definitely the hardest, because you crave any kind of food that you see. Yesterday my coworker had brownies, and I had to sadly decline but you have no idea how much I wanted to just inhale a brownie! I told myself, "No. You are doing this. You are not cheating."  I'm actually really surprised that I have not cheated. Restricting myself this much usually leads me to binge.  But I am determined.  

The pamphlet about the cleanse said that working out while doing the cleanse is optional, since you will have less energy than normal.  Yesterday was difficult, and I just could not muster the energy to do a workout. I should have pushed myself, and just got it over with, but I figured resting was more important during this cleanse. Today was so difficult because I am craving everything! I just want to  be able to eat normal food! I took a nap because I am so tired all the time. I wasn't going to workout, but I was watching the Biggest Loser, and reading a fitness magazine and it definitely gave me the motivation to workout. I am going to go workout as soon as I'm done with this post! Doing T25 is awesome! I am loving it! It's awesome to sweat so much in only 25 minutes! However, I don't think it's doing enough.  I was trying to double up workouts so I do two a day. That makes an hour of fitness, which should definitely give me results. The only problem is, I never seem to have enough energy to do two. I keep telling myself I will get up early to do one workout, and then do the other one later in the day, but I can never get out of bed early! 

I really want to come up with a set schedule and stick to it, so that's what I'm going to work on.  I'm really nervous to weigh-in after my cleanse! Some people have lost 5 pounds or more doing this! But I already know that my body doesn't lose weigh easily so I'm guessing I won't lose that much.  

Having these shakes and a salad still adds up to 1,100 calories, so I'm thinking that for tomorrow and thursday I will eat clean and make sure I only eat 1,100 calories because it says you shouldn't do the cleanse for more than 3 days.  But I have to weigh-in for my dietbet on Friday and I literally have to lose 5 pounds and I have never been so determined to do it!  

I just hope I can stay strong for two more days!!! Two more days!! That's it! I will post my results on Friday! (:

So I've been on and off the wagon for a bit now.  Most of the time I have been eating very healthy, but once a week I will eat out, or I will get that delicious coffee drink.  Technically it's a YOLO meal, but you aren't supposed to have more than one in a week.

I got my Focus T25 on Saturday, and I am loving it! I never thought I could sweat so much in just 25 minutes! Plus you get a 5 day fast track to jump start your weight loss.  I am used to working out for 1 to 2 hours a day, so only working out for 25 minutes a days is killing me! I don't understand how this tiny workout can transform my body. I'm thinking that after the first week, I am doubling up! I will be doing two 25 minute videos a day, that way it's basically 1 hour worth of exercising. Plus I will be doing it on Saturday's too, even though it's not part of the program.  There's no way I could go all weekend with exercising. I would feel like a fat lazy pig.  

Today was day 1 of my fast track, and boy was it hard! The fast track is all really healthy food, but you are only allowed to eat 1100 calories!!! That's like nothing! I got so hungry today in the middle of the afternoon, I was looking for anything I could eat. I had a bad headache all day, and I was expecting that because I didn't have any coffee. That's the part that's killing me. I can go without eating, but I always have coffee! 

Plus my stomach was hurting really bad today, and I thought it was because I was hungry, but I realized it was just cramps! When I get cramps, I get cramps from Hell. Literally, it feels like someone is ripping up my insides, and it's hard to concentrate on anything else because it hurts so bad. Thankfully it wasn't that bad today.  I'm so mad that I'm PMS'ing while doing this fast track! So not good, considering I want to eat anything and everything, and I am in that mood where my willpower is shot. But today wasn't that bad. I allowed myself some dark chocolate because that's my one treat at the end of the day, but I ended up eating a lot more than I should have. Tomorrow will be better, I can just tell.  

I weighed myself yesterday, and I have lost 2 pounds since January 1st! It's not a lot, I know. But I have been cheating occasionally, and it's definitely better than not losing any at all! 

Well, it's way past my bedtime. Gotta get some ZZZ's!  

I hope everyone has a lovely and healthy Tuesday! 

Well it's definitely been a struggle. I was doing fine with my diet, but then I wanted a YOLO meal. That's what Blogilates creator Cassey Ho calls it. One meal a week you can enjoy. I ate that, but that just made me want more.  I ended up eating two or three YOLO meals during the weekend.  

Last week, I was so obsessed with only eating 1200 calories.  I wanted to stick to that, thinking I would shed a lot of pounds, but I barely lost one! I realized that since I was exercising a lot, eating 1200 calories wasn't enough to lose weight. It's like my body thought it was starving or something.
Anyways, this week I'm gonna stick to 1400 calories and keep exercising. I will see my results and then next week I might increase my calories and record the results. I really don't understand how to figure out how many calories I should be eating. I know that since I workout a lot, I should be eating more calories, but I just can't seem to do it. 

I'm still waiting for my Focus T25! I can't wait to start it! Plus I started my school classes this week. So I am transitioning to all these changes and it's really taking a toll on me. Yesterday I was so tired I literally couldn't think straight at work. I skipped my coffee and I'm wondering if that is why.  I won't be doing that again. Today I'm feeling  better but I do get a small headache that comes and goes. Plus my wisdom teeth have been hurting really bad everyday. So I would say I have a lot going on, but I am still mostly sticking to my diet. Yesterday I was so out of it, crabby, and miserable that I skipped my workout to rest and take a nap. it was much needed. Even Jillian Michaels says that sometimes you really need to sleep in instead of workout. 

So anyways, I'm going to keep at it, and hopefully see some results! 
There's only two days left of my first week of doing the Special K Challenge and I can honestly say I'm surprised how well I am doing! Over the weekend, I managed to stay on my diet, and I exercised a lot to keep my mind off of food!  I'm not saying this isn't hard. It's very hard! I have these moments where I feel utterly desperate to eat ANYTHING, but I just keep thinking, ' No. I can't eat that. I need to keep going. I need to do this.'  Eventually the moment passes, and I am so relieved that I did not cheat.  I have been trying really hard to count all my calories but that's really hard depending on what you eat.  If I were to cook a balanced meal, (which I plan on cooking this meal for dinner tomorrow) like grilled shirmp, broccoli and brown rice. I don't know how to tell exact calories in that meal, but I know it's balanced and healthy.  It's one of my favorite healthy meals. Is anyone else out there starting a new healthy, and fit lifestyle for the new year? Or maybe you're just a fit and healthy person in general? Well good for you! I think it is so so important in today's world that more and more people become aware of what they're eating and how their body is responding.  I'm not sure what the statistics are, but I feel like it's over half of US citizens are obese or considered overweight.  Based on BMI, I myself am considered overweight.  However, I am a fit and active person trying to lose weight, rather than just eating more and gaining more.  It seems like so many people that are overweight just don't even care, and they keep eating.  
I've heard that they consider obesity a disease, or a disability? I find both of them quite redundant. It can be a disease in a sense that it takes over your life and your health, and sometimes it's out of your control.  Most of the time, though, it is in your control.  I don't see it as a disability, simply because it's something you've done to yourself. Whether you were born with the genes, or you just have a sweet tooth. Yes, life is harder when you are overweight, but claiming it a disability is like claiming you hate the world from getting lung cancer even though you've been smoking your entire life.  You did it to yourself! I've heard so many different stories, and lawsuits, and all of it is just ridiculous! I am so glad that Michelle Obama is a leader for the fitness and health movement. She is concerned for our future - the children.  More and more children are now obese, probably the most than ever before.  People want pity for everything nowadays, and frankly I think the world needs to toughen up.  If you are overweight, and you want to sit there and complain how it's a disability and how much you hate being overweight, then you need to stop complaining and DO SOMETHING! You didn't magically become overweight overnight. You did that, and you can change! Anyone can change! I've seen so many before and after photos and every one of them makes me smile.  Even my mom has lost a lot of weight and she looked amazing. 
Losing the weight isn't even the hard part. It's keeping it off. I know I seem to be talking a big game for someone who has been dieting/exercising on and off for several years now, but I have read so many books, and tried several diets, so I speak from experience. I have successfully lost weight, slowly! But I never kept it off.  I'm the type of person who goes on a diet for a month or two, and then I lost a little weight. Then I go off the diet and eat whatever I want, and I don't continue to workout, so I just gain it back. In high school, my body caught up with what I was eating.  At 20 years old, I am the heaviest I've ever weighed, and I've been stuck at this weight for about 6 months to a year.  That's why this time it's different. I am so ready for change and I am ready to work for my body! I can't wait to get fit enough to start P90X! I want to get ripped SO bad! 

Losing weight is such a long, and difficult journey, but once you get started, it's not so bad. If you go into it thinking you will lose a ton of weight in a week, you are going to be disappointed.  Most people can barely lose 2 pounds a week.  It all depends on what you eat, how much you eat, and how much you exercise.  

For anyone who is looking for a life change, a new start, or maybe you're just looking for a new workout program, I strongly recommend Blogilates! It is cardio and Pilates and HIIT workouts! She even created HITTilates! She really makes working out easy, by telling you exactly what workouts to do on what day, and all you have to do is watch the video. Nothing else required, except maybe a treadmill from time to time. It's really a great website and community, and I am so glad and thankful that I found it! She is really motivating and inspiring!  

My first weigh-in is this Friday and I am SO nervous! What if I barely lost any weight? I have been busting my butt to maintain a 1200 calorie diet as well as exercising 6 or 7 days in a row.  I know it's only week 1, and i'm not really in a rush, except for the Dietbet I did for Blogilates! I have to lose 8 pounds this month! Everyday is crucial!   

I will post my weigh-in on Friday! Wish me luck! (= 

Much love xx
Okay, so it's Day 2 of my new diet aka the Special K Challenge. I have to say I was really unprepared for how hard this was going to be.  Replacing two meals a day with a Special K meal, you are left feeling hungry. The website says that in order to lose 6 pounds in 2 weeks, you need to maintain a 1200 calorie diet. After calculating everything, I realize it's really hard to do!! I bowl of cereal alone is almost 300 calories including milk and fruit. I think the only reason it was so hard for me these first few days, is because I couldn't go grocery shopping until today which means I had to eat what was in the house.  Yesterday I drank a Special K protein shake for lunch, ( I really don't like how they taste!) and I was starving by the time I had dinner.  Today was kind of the same thing, except instead of a shake, I had a meal bar.  It is really difficult to change my diet so suddenly, and listening to my stomach growling all day.  After a couple hours, the hunger doesn't really bother me anymore, but I can certainly tell you that is has made me one very cranky person!  I got groceries today, and unknowingly spent $90 on them!! I really hope this food lasts me two weeks or even a month for that kind of money! I am so determined to do really good this month. If I don't lose those 5 or 6 pounds in two weeks, I will be so very disappointed.

No matter how much I diet, or exercise, I just can't seem to lose any weight, and I feel like something is wrong with me.  It's really discouraging.  I'm thinking that if I don't lose my 7.8 pounds this month, I'm going to go see a doctor, and talk to them about it to see if something could actually be wrong.  Maybe they can give me a diet that will work for me.  I explained this problem on my other blog, and several people commented that maybe instead of losing fat, I'm just gaining muscle.  Which I know that is good, but my main focus is to lose weight. So when I don't see results, I feel like a failure.  Gaining muscle is good, but I really want to know how I am supposed to gain muscle and lose weight at the same time.  If you have tried losing weight, I'm sure you know just how frustrating this is. Some people lose weight so easily! They don't even have to try, they just eat less, or workout a little bit.  And I'm over here eating a 1200 calorie diet, and exercising 6 to 7 days a week for AT LEAST an hour and I can't seem to lose any weight!!!!

I AM SO FRUSTRATED!  If anyone has any comments, or advice, I would really love it. I would like to understand why my body is doing this to me.

On another note, I feel so good to be working out again after 2 weeks of being lazy! I bought a new workout shirt today because new workout clothes really motivate me to get moving. The shirt says I don't sweat, I sparkle (:

Weekends are my weak spot. On the weekend, I completely give up my will power and I just want to eat everything. I don't know why I feel like that, but it's like my weekends have no structure so I just eat what I want.  This weekend is going to be different. I have my meals planned out, and I am sticking to it!  I have been on my diet for two days and I am so proud to say that my family ordered Pizza Hut last night, and I was strong enough to not eat any of it! It was right in front of me, but I said NO! It's January 3rd for crying out loud! Tonight my family asked me if I wanted to go out to eat with them, and I was seriously pissed off. They KNOW I am on a diet, and I am trying so hard, but all they do is laugh at me. It really pisses me off because they make fun of me for dieting and exercising when they don't eat healthy at all and they never exercise!!  Wouldn't that piss you off?!  I get no support in my house to motivate me and keep me going.  If I want healthy food, I have to go out and buy it myself.  It's really tough but somehow I find the motivation in myself to prove them all wrong, and push myself to the limit. It also helps to be a part of a wonderful community like Blogilates. Cassey, the creator really makes you feel comfortable and wonderful and like we are a big happy fit family! She is where I get a lot of my motivation! I tell myself that If I finish this workout, or if I finish my vegetables, Cassey will be so proud of me! And it really helps. Losing weight is tough for anyone and having support is a really big part of having success.

I'm so excited to see how this weekend goes, and I will update you on Monday.

Have a great and healthy weekend everyone!

Much love xx

I am a health & fitness fanatic! I am always trying to watch what I eat, and eat healthy. I try to workout at least 5 or 6 times a week.  For me, it's the food that gets to me. I'm not one of those people that think soda is a "chemical shit storm" or poison. I love soda, and I love fast food, but I know it's not healthy. I'm not too big of sweets person (thank God) but I do like to eat really unhealthy food. I have been doing good the past two months. Eating healthy and exercising a lot! Then the holidays came, and well I have worked out for about two weeks now. I'm sure I'm going to regret that tomorrow when I start working out again!  I have been trying to lose weight for years, and somehow diet and exercise just isn't working.  Now that my current job is an office job where I sit at a desk all day, I really need to make sure I'm eating healthy and exercising otherwise I'm going to GAIN weight!  For me, working out is like the best drug ever. I really love the high you get after you finish a great workout! It's also a really good stress reliever. Whenever I'm in a bad mood, I workout, and when I'm done I feel so much better!  In December, I joined a 12 Week New Body Makeover created by Blogilates creator Cassey Ho.  I have quickly fallen in love with Blogilates! She is such a fabulous woman who posts workout calendars, meal plans, and workout videos FOR FREE!! She motivates me so much to keep going and don't give up!  The community that she has created really helps you to feel like you're not doing it alone, there are hundreds of other girls and guys doing it! January means we are starting Phase 2! 

I am so excited for January! It's going to be a tough month, but I know I can do it! Cassey created a group on Dietbet, so you bet $30 that you will lose 4% of your body weight by January 31st, and if you do, you get your $30 back, plus a share of the pot! The pot is at $80,000!!! That is SO much money I can't even believe it!! 

Like I said, she gives us meal plans to follow, but I'm a very picky eater, so I changed mine up a bit. I still ate healthy, but I think I was eating too much, because I did not lose hardly any weight in December.  So, since the stakes are higher, and I am really dedicated to this, I am really going hard with this one.  I am going to do the Special K Challenge, because I am one of those people that doesn't lose weight, I gain muscle, which mains I GAIN weight! That is so not what i'm trying to do! I'm not really sure if doing the Special K Challenge is cheating, or not. You just have to lose weight, it never says how you do it.  I know that the challenge isn't technically "being healthy"  because you aren't eating all the main food groups and plus you are eating processed food. However for my one meal a day that I get to choose, I will eat lean protein, two servings of vegetables, and maybe a starch.  I will get my serving of fruit in the morning with breakfast. I don't think it's that bad, especially with all the different diets out there.  I would really love all the support and motivation I can get!! Losing weight is really tough battle, and I am ready for war!  Being healthy and fit is a lifestyle, not a diet.  January for me, is definitely hardcore diet month, but once I lose some weight, I will just focus on being healthy and exercising.

If anyone has any questions, or comments, please feel free to talk to me!! I love helping people out, or helping them get started with their fitness journey! It really is the best decision you can make.  Having someone to help you and motivate you makes it so much easier as well!    I will be posting my starting stats t

Much love xx 


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